Master Bundle
The Master Bundle the ultimate value-provider. 18 Libraries for as low a price as I can realistically push it.
There has never been a better time to grab these instruments.
It's basically a no-brainer.
Ultimate Value
Look... Sound-Design is fun, believe me, I get it.
But Sound-Design can also be a very time-consuming process. Professionals aren't afraid to use samples or presets if it means they can get their ideas across quicker and with less headaches.
I designed every single one of my libraries to fill a hole in my own sample repertoire - I would be writing songs and often be thinking “I wish there was an instrument like X”. After enough of those thoughts, I decided to just learn how to make X, and now I’m sharing X with you.
I've put in thousands of hours designing and recording these sounds, so you can spend less time tweaking oscillators, and more time actually creating music.
Your producer friends will wonder how you're pumping out tracks so quickly, and you can laugh when you mention that you "...know a guy..."
So come join the legions of producers, composers and beatmakers around the world using these instruments every single day.